Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm a LOSER, Baby!!!!!

I haven't been feeling well lately, so I haven't been keeping intricate food diaries. They are very essential in weight loss, so you see just exactly what you are eating! As I start to feel better I will actually start posting them. That also helps as well, knowing that other people see what I eat!

I am VERY pleased to announce I have lost 8 pounds! As I stated in another post, I thought I would be lucky to lose 2! As I continue to perfect my eating habits, I can't wait to see how much more I can lose, as well as being HEALTHY! When I went to go weigh myself, I was apprehensive to step on that scale. I was hoping I didn't gain! I had to have a Nurse help me weigh myself.....I hate those scales at the Doctor's office!!!!!! When she told me my weight I gasped as my husband patted me on the shoulder and told me I did a good job. Once outside I did a victory dance and whooping, and there was this older woman sitting in her car that was next to ours just glaring at me. I told my husband she was thinking I was a nut, but I didn't care. I was in Heaven.

That feeling didn't last long though, I called my Mom to tell her the good news, and she told me just not to let this be a fad that will only last a month or two. Gee, thanks for the support Mom.
Anyhow, not feeling good and trying to stay focused on a diet DO NOT go hand in hand! I have been a bit stressed with it, and made a few wrong choices. But, that's ok. I am just going to move on. They weren't too awful of choices, no overeating or oversplurging. But, it definately was not in my new plan, and it is something I don't plan to let myself do.

My oranges are starting to rot, so I have been chowing on those. At least the Vitamin C will come in handy right now. I had some oatmeal today and put a banana and Craisins in it, and sprinkled some Cinnamon sugar in it. It was pretty good. It was the instant kind of oatmeal mixed with water, so it had a gooey texture to it. Blecch! I am just so used to Southern-style cooking. Fried foods, gravy, all that good stuff that isn't good for you. And we did go to alot of buffets, and that's what I have to steer clear of, because that is the biggest invitation to overeat there is. I still want Chinese..... I could eat it everyday, all day long.

Since I don't have complete menus, I will skip to the.....

Thought of the Day
"Be the like a postage stamp, and stick to one thing until you get there."
- Josh Billings

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