Friday, February 26, 2010

AMEN, Fortune Cookie!

I finally had my Chinese!!!!! I made better choices than usual, and kept my unhealthy choices to a medium. I savored every bite, I was in Heaven! My husband picked the best treat! The snow is starting to pummel us again, so we had to drive out in that mess, but it was sooooo worth it. I still feel like crap, but not as bad. I did make a full food diary today, but I will try to get around to publishing it tomorrow.

I took some pictures of me today, similar to glamour, but I didn't have make-up on. If you do little things like that for yourself, it can make a world of difference for your self-esteem. After all your hard work, you deserve to be pampered! And it doesn't have to cost a fortune either! Last week, I gave myself a much needed pedi to get ready for spring, and it felt so good!

Anyways, to get to my title, my fortune cookie said, "The road to success is often a lonely one." AMEN! Even if you have a crowd of support, it is you who makes the choices to lead to success. I am the one making the choices, not anyone else. I am doing this for myself first; then my family, to be able to be active with my kids, and so on. If I succeed, its on me, if I fail, its on me. Although, failure is not an option for me. I am seeing this through all the way. For the rest of my life. I am a food addict, and addictions don't get broken just like that. It takes a lifetime of beating temptation from here on out. It's not easy, but good things never do come easy! With this said, don't get me wrong: I love every supportive message I have gotten, and it helps me push myself that much further. I am not saying I don't need anyone supporting me.....I do! I am simply saying your success lies in your choices, and your choices alone. Only you have the will to succeed, and it is support that helps you keep focus on your goal.

Ok, here is my menu:


I have been making a dish I will call CRAZY CRAISIN CHICKEN. Don't scoff, the craisins make the meal. Yum. Yum. It adds a sweet tang to it. Here is the recipe:

2 chicken breasts or 4 chicken thighs

1 1/2 cups of brown rice

1 16 oz. frozen bag of stir fry veggies, or just broccoli

2 cups Kraft Light Asian Toasted Sesame Dressing (Yes, I LOVE this stuff!!!!!)

1 oz. Craisins

kosher salt to taste

pepper to taste

Boil chicken until thoroughly cooked. Take chicken out of pan and put it in your freezer to cool. Add rice to the broth in the pan, and cook for about 4 minutes alone. Add frozen veggies, and boil until alot of the liquid is dissolved. Take the chicken out of the freezer, shred it, and add it to the pan. Add the salt and pepper to your taste. Keep boiling for another 5 minutes or so, however long it takes for the liquid to be nearly gone. Add the Dressing, and let stand for about 5 more minutes. Add the Craisins, and stir. Serve. Enjoy! =)

This makes ALOT of food! I have started to put 1 1/2 cup portions in my Healthy Choice Steamers bowls and freezing them. I ate one bowl for lunch today.

With all this being said, 'tis time for the.....

Thought of the Day
Success doesn't find you, you have to earn it.

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